Because safety for you and our staff comes first, we took measures to welcome you the best way we can:

To protect yourself and others from Coronavirus :
- A health pass or vaccination pass is required to have access to the hotel (valid for every person from 12)
- To access the living areas (breakfast room, terrace, swimming pool…) the vaccination pass is required.
- Respect social distancing
- When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your arm or use a disposable tissue
- Wash your hands very frequently or use hydroalcoholic lotion
- Avoid close contact when greeting people
- Respect circulation directions in common areas.

Also, we adapted our services for you :
- Hydroalcoholic lotion will be at disposal
- Press and magazines will be available on your digital devices
- Meticulous cleaning measures have been reinforced
- Cleaning routine may only be done in your absence
- Your room may only be accessible by you and your family
- Air conditioning has been cleaned and adapted to maximise air circulation
- Check-in procedures have been adapted to minimize contact and assure you a warm welcome
- In some cases, signatures may not be requested or necessary to approve food and beverage orders
- Common areas have been adapted to respect social distancing
- Sun baths will be separated by 1.5 meter minimum
- A meticulous cleaning routine has been defined for common areas
- A partnership with local restaurant will be at disposal for delivery or take away

Specific sales conditions :
For any booking made directly with our services (hotel website, mail or phone), our sales conditions are more flexible :
- Flexible rate:
- Cancellation with no penalties until 48h prior to arrival
- Modification allowed until 48h prior to arrival upon availability
All these facilities and services may be adjusted according to the governmental recommendations.